Here’s an idea you can put to work TODAY that has helped me build loyalty and create a space for mentorship with my team.

At the end of the year, I write a letter to each employee and I recognize their talents, wrapping up their accomplishments and taking the time to tell them the things I appreciate the most.

I also add details about the challenges that I want them to work on, and the goals we’ll be concentrating on moving forward.

And finally, I put in the details of their compensation package, and spell it out: health insurance, retirement contributions, and the whole enchilada. This is what your team craves.

Then, you sit down with that person and really take the time to talk with them about what they need. Listen in on the video for all the details on how to build your team up.

Don’t forget to give me a ring if you have questions and we’ll chat. Gratis, of course. I love talking with attorneys!