Hello, it’s Billie Tarascio from Modern Law Practice. So what are the updates going on? Well, intake is going crazy. So the demand for intake services has gone way up during this pandemic.

And we’re at a point right now where we’re onboarding new intake clients probably once a week. Our intake team is so strong and intake is more important than ever during these times. It’s especially important because your working remotely and you don’t have somebody at your office answering the phone, setting you up to get people in.

And we at Modern Law have grown during the pandemic, and we’re at max capacity, so I just hired a lawyer. I have another lawyer I’m hiring as well, and we’re implementing our new training program for lawyers.

So we’ve got a great 90 day onboarding process and we’ve got an individual person who’s the managing paralegal whose job is to train every incoming person on our systems and on our tech. Obviously she’s not training on the law, she’s training on how we process cases and what the expectations are at Modern Law.

And by giving a new hire 90 days of training to see where they need to be in 30 days, and here’s where you need to be at 60 days. And here’s where you need to be in 90 days, we’re getting much more effective work out of people sooner.

So they’re more profitable sooner, and they’re more comfortable working with us at Modern Law. They’re being given the tools they need to succeed with an offer.

Now, Modern Law is not the only law firm that is growing during this pandemic. There are many firms out there that are hiring. So having a hiring plan is crucial.


Your intake plan lets you make sure that you get enough clients in your pipeline to feed the people you employ. So you have to have both. When you have too many clients and not enough people, you have a problem. When you have too many people, not enough clients, you have a problem. You must address both.

Those are two areas that we at Modern Law Practice can absolutely help you with. So if you have questions, if you need anything, let us know. We are getting more flexible than ever with the way that we are offering consulting services and intake plans. So let us know how we can help you and we’ll talk soon.