by ModernLawPractice | Marketing
Want an easy way to grow your referrals from other attorneys? This month, I held my first lunch and learn for local attorneys so they can get CLE credit. What do I get out of it? Relationships with other attorneys that may refer to me in the future, and a ton of great...
by ModernLawPractice | Marketing, Tools and Systems
If you are going to miss next week’s TechShow in Chicago, have no fear. Here is the 5 minute ignite talk on everything you need to know about how to close more deals. It’s the cheat sheet version of our online course that you can find at...
by ModernLawPractice | Uncategorized
In October Modern Law announced we would try using Clio grow and Clio manage together to automate our workflows, documents, and project manage our cases. We’ve spent a lot of time on this, and ran into some hitches, and this is an update on how we worked it...
by ModernLawPractice | Management
Billie Tarascio walks you through our newly launched Modern Law Practice Intake and Consultation course and all of its features to help you bring in more clients. You can see the whole course HERE. This is a “no brainer” since Modern Law Practice and...
by ModernLawPractice | Uncategorized
Great news! After months of inquiries from lawyers we have scheduled another live #intake and #consultation workshop April 25 at a gorgeous mansion in the Phoenix area. If your #lawfirm conversion rate is less than 50% you need this training. At the workshop you will...