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The Workable Business Model For Attorneys
The foundation of your firm may not be what you think it is. A peaceful, predictable, and fun way to practice. Every quarter, our firm gathers for a retreat where we talk about what’s working and not working in the organization. We identify opportunities, tackle...
Annual Letters To Employees Builds Loyalty
Here's an idea you can put to work TODAY that has helped me build loyalty and create a space for mentorship with my team. At the end of the year, I write a letter to each employee and I recognize their talents, wrapping up their...
Are you still doing that the same way?
It used to be all about content. And we did it big time. That's the way people found your website, and that's how we built our presence online for It worked well. But these days, that isn't going to get you the success you...
Law Firm Opportunities You Are Probably Ignoring
I had a great visit recently with an awesome attorney who is struggling with a common issue. A lot of us are experiencing a continual frustration with the inadequacies of technology. There is no end-to-end software solution for legal...
Mental health issues with clients and – yes – employees
Sometimes a client comes in that looks like a whole raft of trouble that you might not want to have. Particularly in the case of someone dealing with mental health issues, we've found that there are things you should be looking at...
Why Closing Cases May Be Your Biggest Missed Opportunity
Most of us know how important it is to start out on the right foot with our clients. We understand intuitively and from experience that if the first two weeks of representation goes poorly, we are set up to fail for the remainder of the client relationship. You simply...
How to know when it’s time for new office space
When is it time for your office to expand? Should you get a co-working space or more permanent space that you control? When have you hit market saturation and can lawyers share offices? Let's talk about that. A second or even third location may be worth looking at...
The Intake Workshop & What We Learned
Did you know, that on average, only one in five consultations turns into a client? It’s easy to do better when you know the keys. After a great workshop weekend with our legal professionals and attorneys, we reset attorneys’ understanding of their role during a...
Workshop Day 2018
Today is the day of Modern Law Practice intake and conversion workshop.Intake and consultation is not taught in law school. The concept of sales in law is a dirty word, right? That means lawyers refuse to "sell." But that, clearly, doesn't benefit your bottom line. So...
Data Automation Using Acuity, Zapier, Calendaring and Infusionsoft
Stop duplicating your data entry and wasting your time. Learn the workflow used by Modern Law and Modern Law practice to streamline your intake workflow and spend less time manually entering data. I get a lot of questions from attorneys about automation and what the...
Niche Marketing for Lawyers and Law Firms
Niche Marketing for Lawyers and Law Firms Niche Marketing is the process of taking a large market (in this case legal consumers) and breaking it down into smaller groups with similar needs, characteristics, and demographics. Since none of our law firms serve all legal...
How To Break Up Like A Boss
How can you fire a bad client? How about a bad associate attorney? Professional break ups are inevitable. You will need to fire employees, restructure business relationships, and fire bad clients. There is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. One of the best...
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